Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ryan Deiss Traffic & Conversion Summit 2013 - Online Profits

I've just heard that Ryan Deiss is planning to hold his fourth annual Traffic & Conversion Summit in San Francisco on January 18th to 20th, 2013.

Traffic & Conversion Summit 2013 - affiliate link

The fact that this is the fourth event will tell you the previous three were successful.

The Ryan Deiss Traffic & Conversion Summit January 2013

This will be cutting edge training of what is really working to make money for people who are serious about building Internet businesses.

Ryan Deiss will admit that the Traffic & Conversion Summit in January 2013 isn't for everyone.

It's not for newbies who want to have an Internet business but need start-up training.

It's not for people who won't take action based on what they learn.

It's not for people who can't afford the price.

The Traffic & Conversion Summit has an expensive ticket price and getting to San Francisco and staying in the hotel for a few nights won't be cheap.

I think Ryan has put a very fair deal together where he's splitting the cost into an amount you pay before you go and an amount that is conditional on you quickly making money by the changes you make after the summit.

You'll find more details on the sales letter.

Ryan Deiss Summit 2013 - affiliate link

Should You Go To The Ryan Deiss 2013 Conference?

I don't know your situation but here are some pros and cons.

For Going To The Conference

  1. Ryan Deiss and his team are active in many different markets so there is a good chance that what he says has worked for him will work for you. he's not an Internet marketing guru who only sells to people who want to learn more about Internet marketing success.
  2. The summit is focused on both traffic & conversion. I believe these two factors should always go hand in hand. You want more traffic that will convert into revenue, not just clicks to webpages.
  3. The Internet is changing quickly. 2012 has been the year when Google has become very difficult, social media is maturing and views are becoming more entrenched and the increasing use of smartphones is changing the way many people consume data.
  4. A big advantage of going to conferences like the Traffic & Conversion Summit is that it gives you a chance to make some great contacts who can help you many years into the future. My advice is that when you go, find a few people that you can virtually mastermind with afterwards to help you implement the ideas. Incidentally have you joined the Ryan Deiss mastermind?
  5. Ryan Deiss is a good teacher in my opinion. He doesn't waste your time and waffle so I'm sure you'll cover a lot during the three days at the summit and very little of it will be things you already know.

Against Going To The 2013 Summit

  1. It's going to take you away from work and your family. Mind you, the few days away from work might give you a fresh perspective on what you're working to achieve and how you are doing it.
  2. It is expensive.
  3. Some people thrive in a conference environment but others don't. If you're every shy or you struggle to concentrate for long, a big conference may not be for you.
  4. You won't need everything that Ryan Deiss covers. Inevitably some of it won't appear relevant to you and you've got a choice. Attend those sessions and either find out useful stuff that you can use or get bored; or alternatively skip the sessions and use the time to either a) immediately start implementing the ideas you can use or b) network with like-minded people during the way when your mind is fresh and before the drinks start flowing.

If you're tempted by the idea of the Traffic & Conversion Summit in January 2013 and you like Ryan Deiss's style of presentation I recommend that you read the sales letter for the event very carefully.

Ryan Deiss Traffic & Conversion Summit - affiliate link

I am an affiliate and I will earn a commission if you click through on my link and decide to buy. I've tried to present you with a fair assessment.

Unfortunately I won't be going. I have health issues which mean that the long flight from London to California is out of the question. It's a shame because I've missed out on a number of events that I'd have loved to attend.?



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