Saturday, June 2, 2012

What Is a Breast Augmentation Really Like?

You are considering a breast augmentation and you are excited about the possibilities it can offer to you but at the same time you are wondering what the procedure and process will really be like. Though each surgeon and surgery is different, most will provide you with a good idea of what you can expect to occur the days before and after your procedure. In most cases, women will have a good outcome where their goals are met. However, it is possible that you may feel pain and discomfort, too. Sometimes, you just want to know what you can expect.

Leading Up to the Surgery

In the days and weeks leading up to the breast augmentation, you will meet with your surgeon to discuss the options and to make some big decisions. You will need to have an exam and, in some cases, you will need to ensure you are healthy. In addition, you will need to talk about the options for your breasts including sizes, texture, filling and placement.

It is common for your surgeon to then consider your overall body's needs and to offer suggestions about what to do before you have your procedure to ensure you are healthy, such as taking an antibiotic to ward off infection.
The Day of the Procedure

The day of the breast augmentation, you will be prepped and prepared for the procedure. You will see your doctor before having the procedure. He or she will discuss your needs and any concerns you have at this time. The procedure will last a few hours at the most. After wards, you will not remember anything because you will be under general anesthesia throughout it. This means you will feel no pain during the process. After wards, you are likely to recover for several hours in the hospital or medical center before being discharged to your home. Some people may need to spend the night in the hospital to recover.

After the Procedure

After you have the procedure, you will need several days to heal and overcome the new strain. This takes time and you should not rush it. Plan to have someone with you for several days after having it done to ensure you are not overextending yourself. You will feel pain and discomfort, which is more like being sore. After the procedure, your doctor will want to see you within a few days to check on your progress.

The swelling and pain you feel will get less as the time goes by from the actual breast augmentation procedure. You can always talk to your doctor about what to expect by asking questions or looking at photos during your consultation.

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