Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Rook Family: Hospital or Baby Shower? Hmmm..

Pregnancy has not exactly been good to me, except for the fact that we finally get a sweet baby out of this whole ordeal, and I get discounts on food sometimes and people are extra nice to me. Okay, so there are pros and cons to being pregnant.

The strangest part about being pregnant right now is also scary. Every time the baby moves weird or I feel weird, I think the baby is coming. I'm 33 weeks tomorrow and scared that since I have no idea what labor feels like, I'll miss my opportunity to go to the hospital and have the baby. He needs to cook longer than 33 weeks, and I have no real reason to think he'll come sooner than he should, but you really never know with these things.

When I hit 30 weeks, I had a tiny scare on the day of my baby shower. 30 minutes before I was supposed to arrive, I called my doctors office to let them know I'd been having weird cramps in my abdomen all day. They told me to go straight to the hospital to be checked for preterm labor. I didn't expect that, so I called Tim and tried not to cry through my explanation of why there'd been a change of plans and I needed him to meet me at the hospital pronto, and to please tell his mom I'm sorry I'll be a little late to the shower she and my sister-in-laws had planned for me.

I did cry through it, but I felt a little better once I got to the hospital and there was a parking space at the front for expectant mothers. I'd been waiting to park in one of those spots since I heard they existed. Tiny victory.

Once inside, they had me pee in a cup and fixed me up with some moniters on my belly. When the nurse saw my urine cup, she exclaimed, "Whoa! I think I know what's wrong..." Turns out it was a bladder infection. That's right, my urine was that dark. An hour later, the test results confirmed it. She said most women who go into preterm labor do so because they have untreated bladder infections, so it was a good thing I listened to my body and came in.

I agreed until I had to go to my baby shower. Everyone was very sweet and it was a beautiful party, but my emotions were running a little high to be in front of a crowd, even a crowd of my friends and family. All I wanted to do was go home, have a family snuggle on the bed and cry tears of relief with my hubby and puppy that the baby was still doing just fine.

Then I started to get up and walk around to visit with everyone. Some people there had been in my life for so long, I knew their faces just as well as my own in the mirror. Some I'd befriended recently in my new ward and already felt a strong connection with. Talking with them was all it took to get the hospital out of my mind.

The best part about my baby shower was the theme chosen. Everyone was to bring their favorite childhood books to increase our baby book library (which previously consisted of about 5 books). Our baby was given great classics like Chica Chica Boom Boom and The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Brown Bear Brown Bear, What do you See?, fairy tale compelations, Don't Let the Pidgeon books, and some books I'd never heard of but knew our baby would love! It was such a sweet and wonderful idea.

In some cases, it doesn't do to dwell on things, but it's best to move on. I am definitely a dweller and that was probably the first time I was able to move past something so quickly. I'm very grateful I was able to learn that. Hmmm....maybe I shouldn't say I've moved past it if I'm blogging about it. But it happened, right? I'm documenting my pregnancy here.

Besides, now I kinda know where my fears began. But I still have no idea what labor feels like. Dun dun duunnnnnnnnnnnn.

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